A quick description of Bologna, courtesy of Wikipedia: “[It] is the largest city (and the capital) of Emilia-Romagna Region in Italy. It is the seventh most populous city in Italy, located in the heart of a metropolitan area of about one million.” Plus, there is kinds of cultural stuff like only Italy can. The focus of this post is the winner of a contest organized late last year organized by Urban Center Bologna and supported by the official city entity, Commune di Bologna. From among 500 submissions, the 14,000-euros prize for the contest was claimed by the design proposal of Trieste-based Matteo Bartoli and Michele Pastore.
A full PDF presentation of contest approach to winning solution can be found here.
This is a difficult one to judge. There are aspects of it that I like and others that irk me. (I’m not even going to go into the merits or demerits of this being the result of a contest — the contest happened and this came out, end of story). The underlying concept is quite solid: a flexible, “participatory” identity based on geometric shapes you might see around the city of Bologna as stained glass, wall or door decorations, medieval inscriptions or drawings, etc. Even if they are not shapes directly pulled from specific sources, the aesthetics are there. Typing in a word in the microsite for the new identity lets you see the concept in action and yields you your own “é Bologna” logo where your word and the wordmark make a new logo, i.e., “Ponies is Bologna”.
The generated logos are interesting and intriguing as visual doodads but as identifiers of a city, I am not 100% convinced. The transparency/overlaid effect, to me (and it’s hard to pinpoint exactly why), is what takes it from a serious proposition of city branding to just a cool graphic exercise.
博洛尼亚的简要说明,礼貌维基百科: “[它]是艾米利亚 - 罗马涅大区是意大利最大的城市(以及资本) 。这是第七人口最多的城市,在意大利,位于大约一百万都会区的心脏。 “另外,还有各种各样的文化的东西,如只有意大利能。这篇文章的重点是组织去年年底由城市中心博洛尼亚主办,官方城市实体,公社博洛尼亚支持竞赛的优胜者。从500份意见书当中,由要求的里雅斯特 - 基于利玛窦巴托丽和米歇尔帕斯托雷的设计方案的14000欧元奖金的竞赛。
这是一个很难判断的。有它的方面,我喜欢和其他人激怒了我。 (我还没有打算进入的优点或本是一场比赛的结果的优劣 - 比赛发生了,这个就出来了,故事的结尾) 。的基本概念是相当扎实:一个灵活的, “参与”基于几何形状的身份你可能会围绕博洛尼亚的城市,彩色玻璃,墙上或门装饰,中世纪的铭文或图画等看到即使他们没有形状直接拉升从具体来源,美学的存在。打字在微型一个字的新身份可以让你看到在行动的概念,并得到你自己的“é博洛尼亚”标志的地方你的话和文字商标进行新的标识,即“小马是博洛尼亚” 。
生成的标志是有趣和耐人寻味的视觉装饰物,但作为一个城市的标识,我不是100 %确信。透明/覆盖效果,对我(和它很难找出究竟为什么) ,是从城市品牌只是一个很酷的图形练习的严重命题需要它。
The applications are attractive, though, and I can see the potential in it — it is particularly and surprisingly convincing when used small as shown in the event materials. Overall, it’s a curious solution that perhaps could have gone through one more layer of refinement in how the icons are rendered and it’s still not clear when or how the city of Bologna will use it but as fodder for us, it’s molto bene.
该应用程序是有吸引力的,不过,我可以看到它的潜力 - 这是特别令人惊讶的说服力使用的小如在事件的材料时。总体而言,它是也许可能通过细化如何的图标呈现多一层走了一个奇怪的解决方案,它仍然不清楚何时或如何博洛尼亚市将使用它,但作为饲料对我们来说,这是MOLTO BENE。